Sunday, October 3

Volgograd(Also Known As Stalingrad)

                                                Mother Russia Mamaev Kurgan
                                                                          Nick Carter
Volgograd was originally named Tsaritsin, then in 1925 the name was changed to Stalingrad.  Stalin died in 1953, but it took another 12 years for the name to be finally changed to Volgograd in 1965 by Khruschev.  The city is located on the river Volga. In the summer it can be more than 30°C and in winter the temperature can become very cold (minus 20°C or more).
Outside the city you can find a typical nearly desert nature. Also the battle fields of World War II are located around here. The city itself is not very nice but has a few interesting spots. The monument on the hill, the promenade at the river also with its Powerplant. I guess it will be very difficult to find people to speak to if you can not speak russian. But if so it can be interesting to find out more about the history of the city.
Volgograd, still referred to by war historians as Stalingrad, was the site of THE bloodiest battle in the history of the world.  During the struggle the city was reduced to rubble and was the setting for a struggle between the might of the German and Soviet war machines.  Because of this there are many fascinating memorials and museums to visit. The city is rich with culture and history, and offers a wonderful experience of Russian life.
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Ural Mountains,Sights to see in Russia.

Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains (Great Mountain Ranges of the World)
Ural Mountains, the boundary line drawn by the nature with the help of mountains between Asia and Europe, It runs through Russia in the west and roughly northern south. The highest point in the Ural mountain range is Mountain Narodnaya around 6200 feet. The Ural Mountains basically runs between Kazakhstan and Russia. It is also named as Urals.
The Ural Mountains are mostly known as the stone belt in the history of Russia. The Mountain range having the age of more then 250 million years also believed to be the oldest Mountain range, covering the area of around 2500 KM’s, starting from the north of Kazakhstan till the Arctic Ocean. The major portion of the Mountain range of Urals is based in Russia; over 70 % of this mountain range belongs to Russia whereas the remaining is situated in Kazakhstan.
The mountain range also has the privilege to be full of resources and richest in wealth. It has been anticipated by the scientists well before 18th century and in 1800s a scientist worked properly on the Urals mountain range to explore its full capacity of resources and richness. He traveled thousands of miles to gather the big collection of minerals like platinum, topaz, gold, magnetite, perovskite, rutile, ilmenite, quartz, zircon, chromite, chrysoberyl, uvarovite, phenakite, and minerals and metals.
The scientist was the Russian mineralogist and his name was Ernst Karlovich hofmann. He was the man who studied the Urals mountain range and explored the richest wealth and let the world understand the importance of this mountain range for the region.

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Volgograd(Also Known As Stalingrad),Sights to see in Russia.